A new adventure and many thanks

May 18th, 2014 § 0 comments

Tomorrow I start a new adventure. As as always, I am a ball of nervous energy, oscillating between sheer terror and exuberance, and there’s a high chance this post will reflect my crazed brain. </fair warning>

It’s my first day tomorrow! I start as Product Owner at the Co-op Bookstore! Whhaaaat?!!
I’m crazy excited about this. 😀 It’s outside my comfort zone but man, I can’t wait to sink my teeth into the product and work with the team. It’s gonna be fun!
AND I get to keep my career record of getting jobs through my network. This was important to me, and I thought it was the end of that streak. <fist pump> Yeah!!

Some of you know how hard the past 8-9 months have been for me. I was doing every thing I could to keep my freelance business going, but it was a tough slog getting jobs and I plain ran out of runway.

So, to my support circle – Bree Clare, Loic Golliard, Albert Issa, Bruno Mattarollo, Danielle Hickie, Oliver Maruda, Radhika R, Alan Jones, Jim May, Tony Burrett, Zoe Ghani, Phil Morle, Clare Hallam, Josie Kidd – thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for all your help,  all your introductions, all your suggestions, your friendship, your generosity and your company, thank you for keeping me sane.

To @kcarruthers, @jodieM, @neil_killick, @Meta_Mike_Biggs, @brento, @damoxy, @Nathan_Reese, @maheshmurali, @fostersimonj, @kimheras, @ayumi, @bronwen – thank you for your RTs, passing my CV on, intros, taking an interest, helping just because you could. My thanks also to everyone, my followers or not, for retweeting my ‘looking for work’ tweets. I appreciate every single one.

I won’t be as immersed in the startup scene as I have been in the past seven years, and truth be told, I’m in two minds about that.
I will leave saying this – Aussie startups, you’ve *got* to start taking product more seriously.

Thank you and WOO HOOOO!! 😀


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